Monday, August 6, 2012

Kony 2012

To begin with Kony i have to tell you who he is. Joseph Kony was born from around 1951 or 1952. Kony is a mad man. Kony steals children and makes them kill their own parents. Also he gives them guns and adds them to his army. Then he goes along to other houses and steals more children and adds them to his army.

People are trying to make him famous to get him known . I think that we should try and not make him famous. I think that because if we were to make him famous, people would get confused whether hes good or bad. Then some people might think hes good. Then what would happen? People would become his FAN. We don't want people to know hes good. We want people to know hes EVIL. What he does to people you can find out on (search Kony 2012). Now that you and i know who he is. Let's talk more why he shouldn't be famous.

More reasons why Kony shouldn't be famous. He shouldn't be famous because people think he might be good and they would look for him and die trying to. Also we could set traps for Joseph Kony. Like a false house when he breaks in he could step on a pressure plate and LOCK all doors and windows so he can't escape. So i think there are many other things we can do than making Joseph Kony famous.

So now we know here are more different kinds ideas. We could get HELP from the government &/or president. Also we could just post sites that everyone can see and comment. We can post sites on google also. In that case we can make a group and get many people to join & defeat Kony. Kony is such terrible crime i wonder what make him like this.

According to the COMPUTER making kony famous can confuse people.

In my opinion Kony should really not be famous.


  1. LOL Andy. Great job writing this essay!!

  2. Interesting topic, Andy! Keep up the good work!!

  3. Andy,

    This is a good start to an argumentative essay but you need to have a clear structure of introduction, body and conclusion. When you include the link to the video, I think it's better to put the video on your blog. I'll show you how if you are not sure.

    Good luck!

  4. Hi. Your writing TA Sohyeon here. Your argumentative essay has some really good ideas. You want to try forming them into more formal paragraphs with a clear topic sentence and examples. You should also form a sound conclusion. Because your ideas are all there, reorganizing should not be hard. Good job!
